British Columbia received an e-mail stating that on July
1st, 2001 "Francis" spotted a UFO at 9 pm on her way to
bed. She claims that it was rotating and beaming down a
light which apparently was shone in her direction. As
this witness is six years old it was her father who made
us aware of these facts.
A lengthy phone conversation plus a later meeting
between myself and this parent resulted in an
opportunity to talk to this young lady. Of particular
interest was a strange "dream" that she could recall in
detail and had illustrated and described in her own
words. Bearing in mind that this young lady is not
saturated in UFO hype I have to admit being surprised at
some of the statements she makes and relates in a very
matter-of-fact manner.
We felt that this account was sufficiently noteworthy
that we should share it with our readers so that they
may be aware that we have here again a VERY bright child
who is possibly at the start of a lifetime of further
"adventures". This type of situation we have heard about
many times previously, but never have we had the
opportunity of witnessing such an event from its
possible commencement.
It will be of interest to all of us to see what unfolds
as the years progress. Maybe I should also add a
footnote. "Francis" lives in the Surrey Corridor!
(Note: In keeping with our policy of confidentiality we
have changed her name)
following pages are by "Francis":
1 - Drawings of "flying saucers", "cargo", "stands", the
"alien lady" and a "rocketship".
2 - "The alien body is as tall as a door way. She said
to a person that they were going to take over the world
and she would be leading taking over North America. She
switched brains with the lady she was talking with."
3 - "In the large picture those grey and black disks are
flying saucers and those table like things are stands.
Those squares are boxes and cargo, being loaded on the
disks. The rocketship is a large white cylinder with a
red triangle on top."
4 - "There was a lab where they mixed different cells
and body parts and colors and sounds to turn people in
to different creatures. She said that if I didn't watch
out that would happen to me!"