Saturday, June 7, 2008

Corina Saebels

Alien Abduction and Personal Family Experiences

" I am an independent ufo/abduction researcher. Having had experiences since childhood , I truly understand the need for connecting with others who may have had similar things happen to them."

Vancouver Public Library
350 West Georgia Street

Tickets $18 at the door
e-mail:to reserve tickets
Doors at 6:30 pm
Lecture 7:00 to 9:00 pm

Corina Saebels has had a lifetime of experiences right here in British Columbia. She has recently written a book and has started lecturing about the strange events that have occurred to her and her family. Please join us in what is sure to be a riveting evening. ... and bring a friend.

Corina resides in Kelowna, B.C. Canada. She has lectured, both in Canada and the United States and has also been a guest speaker on several radio programs, such as the Vike Report "Innerstreams Radio Network", the "Jeff Rense Radio Show", and "Whitley Strieber's " Unknown Country". She has appeared on the "Montel Williams Show", as well as two T.V. Documentaries, "Creepy Canada" and "Intruders". She currently runs a Paranormal Support Group for those wishing to discuss their unusual experiences.

"The Collectors"


About the Book

"The Collectors is a riveting story of one woman's struggle to bring forward her personal experiences which are deeply moving and sobering. The Collectors is an in-depth look into one's personal life and continuing visitations. It covers eyewitness reports as well as photos of physical evidence. This book will change the way you think about the UFO phenomenon forever."

- Brian Vike
Director of HBCC UFO Research.


Corina Saebels had an authentic close encounter experience, documented by the presence of another witness and medical observation of the after effects. This is one of the most credible and detailed stories of alien abduction ever told, and a must read for anybody who cares about this strange and powerful human experience."

Whitley Strieber


Corina Saebels' website

The Collectors website

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