Introduction by Martin Jasek
In the last 3 issues we covered in
some detail the experience of Kevin in the “Abduction
on the North Canol Road” in the Yukon Territory in September 1987. At
the end of Part III was a note written to Kevin by a man named Jonah
briefly describing a similar encounter that he experienced . Kevin was
very happy to receive this message. Not that he needed confirmation; his
experience was very real to him but that the experience was so much like
his. A big thank you to Jonah for sharing his story as well - Martin
Jasek, UFO*BC
Artist recreation by Jim G. and Paddy D. of
beings that shot Kevin with a “flashlight type device” on the North
Canol Road. A very similar experience to Jonah’s is described in the
article below. |
Jonah’s Encounter
I wanted to share with you all a
description of an experience that occurred to me in 1974. I wrote this
down in September 2003 although I recalled this happening to me after
reading "Communion" way back in 1987, along with 8 to 10 other
engagements. I am sure most of you have read about Kevin's encounter and
will notice several striking similarities. This encounter occurred in the
Summer of 1974 (August ?) about 50 km north of Spokane, WA.
“One summer day, I was out behind the house with a neighbor kid exploring
the wooded hillside that began about 150 yards from the edge of the
backyard. The field of tall grass mentioned earlier ran to the edge of the
hill and became much more wooded. There was a trail up the hillside that
ran up a ravine. It ran alongside a medium sized stream that fed water
into a pipe that supplied my father's house. This was a very secluded area
at the time.
As we reached the top of this hill we split off from the trail and began
to traverse the hillside which was kind of steep with loose dirt and rock
that forced you to keep your eyes close to the ground. I knew there was a
small clearing beyond the crest of the hill and I believe that this is
where we were heading. My neighbor friend, whom I had just met and had
only played with a couple of times, was leading. As we approached the
crest, I looked up to see a couple of beings standing off a few feet from
the top of the hill with what appeared to be a device in their hands.
Behind them I believe was a craft of some kind, landed. I started to turn
and run. I think I may have started to call out a warning but I don't know
if I ever finished it. I believe it was then that I was struck by some
form of energy, from behind, that rendered me unconscious. My next memory
is of sitting in a kind of chair, similar to a dental chair. The chair
appeared to be located within the craft. There were several beings
attending to me as I sat in this chair and I don't believe that I felt
averse to being there. The reason I say this is because of what I recall
thinking/saying to these beings after they performed a peculiar procedure.
I looked down at my right arm and I saw that it had a light shining on it.
The light quit and I noticed that my arm appeared red, almost as if
sunburnt. I think I also noticed patterns (?) or squiggle designs somehow
associated with the redness on the skin of my right arm. It may also have
included my face. I recall looking at them and thinking "Thanks a lot you
guys" in an almost practical joke frame of mind. In my mind, because this
was occurring during a hot, eastern Washington summer, having sunburn
meant that I would not be able to play outside, go swimming at the lake
and so on. I believe I was assured that redness on my arm would soon
dissipate. The only other memory that I have of this engagement, is what I
consider to be one of the strongest, clearest of all that I have recalled.
I am now standing outside of the craft in the small clearing. The craft is
slightly to my right and I am looking in the direction of the hill we had
been discovered on. In front of me is a being that is of the type found on
the cover of the Whitley Strieber's "Communion". It is the being that is
in charge of my engagements, my overseer. I am begging, pleading with this
being to take me with them. I am told that now is not the time for that to
be. I am very disappointed.
I awake in the vicinity of the clearing. I am alone. I then start down the
hill and back to the house. I think I am confused because something isn't
right. I arrive at the house and am chastised by my stepmother, Pam, for
being missing for several hours. I think I was punished for this although
I am sure I protested my innocence. This is the only incident of missing
time I have had that may be recalled by a witness, my stepmother. It is
interesting to me that it is she that discovered me in the field (another
incident) as well as found me missing. Maybe I should ask her if she
recalls anything strange from this part of her life?
I recall that I visited that clearing with my little brothers and sisters
in tow and recall that together we created a small circle of stones and
boulders in this clearing. It had the distinct shape and feel of a fairy
ring. I also recall burying something under one of the stones but don't
recall what or if it is related."