Be Careful of UFO Light Beams

An incident on Marsh Lake, Yukon
late 50s or early 60s

We received this report by e-mail recently:

Martin: I e-mailed you a while ago telling you I used to live in the Yukon, and recalled some older sightings. I recently was able to visit someone I hadn't seen for twenty-five years, and asked for confirmation of what she had told me back in the 60s.

The story is this: back in the late fifties or early 60s, a native woman was out on the ice on Marsh Lake when she and the people she was with encountered a silver disc-type UFO. The UFO approached them, and shot a beam of light at them that paralyzed them. The lady said that she was burned by any metal items on her body (bobby pins, zipper, rivets in blue jeans, etc.) when the beam was aimed at her. The beam also paralyzed everyone in the party. When the disc left, they were able to move again.

My friend first told me this story back in about 1966. I vaguely recall being told that this story was not reported to the authorities as no-one present thought they would be believed. My friend worked with native people at the time, and was trusted enough to be told this story.

Posted by Martin Jasek


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