Cariboo Mulenappings

Excerpt from the "The Night Mutilators"
by Gene Duplantier, 1979

As long ago as 1863, animals were disappearing when mysterious lights appeared in the night sky.

From August 5, 1863 and until early 1865, white lights shone over the night camps situated on the Cariboo Trail in Canada's westernmost province of British Columbia where supply train mules were resting.

On every appearance by the lights it was found that three mules were missing.

The Pinkerton detective agency set up a decoy mule train but were foiled in their attempts to stop the disappearances of mules every time the lights paid the camp a visit.

As agents actually saw the hovering white lights they were at a loss to explain three more missing mules when a head count was taken.

None of the missing mules was ever found that vanished whenever the brightly shining lights did their dance in the night sky.

HOMEPAGE John Brent Musgrave

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