Heavenly Phenomenon Seen by Penticton Pioneer

March 7, 1952. Penticton

The Penticton Herald, Thursday March 13, 1952

Heavenly Phenomenon Seen by Penticton Pioneer on Friday

A Penticton oldtimer, Ed Hayward, is anxious to know if any other person saw the unusual phenomenon of a light falling slowly from the sky at approximately 9:15 last Friday night.

Telling of the occurrence, Mr. Hayward said it was completely unlike any comet or falling star he had ever seen.

He said that the light, which resembled one of the street lights along the upper end of Main Street, fell slowly from the sky about halfway between here and West Summerland. “It fell straight down - it had no tail and I saw no sparks,” the pioneer stated.

Although his view was obstructed by buildings, Mr. Hayward said the light appeared to land in the vicinity of Trout Creek at about the bottom of the big mountain between here and Summerland.