Victoria Strange Object

December 1949

Victoria, British Columbia, 17 December 49 (AP).

Loren E. Gross. UFOs: A History. Vol. 2, 1949 (1983) pp. 61; 78.

"The latest strange object report comes from the first officer aboard the Chinoik, the Seattle-to-Victoria car ferry, and is vouched for by the quartermaster and lookout.”

"This week they saw a bright light in the sky moving towards Victoria at about 2,000 feet.”

"’It was moving from side to side and up and down much too sharply to be a plane, ' the officer said.”

"The latest 'object' was too 'erratic to follow with binoculars and it was too dark to see any shape. ' ”

"It came within a mile of the ship and then spiralled swiftly upwards through the overcast.”